This version is deprecated! The current version is 2019.10.!


Monitoring-Data-Converter is a tool to convert monitoring data used in this software to a dataset suitable for the use in the ASTERICS software and vice versa.
Monitoring Data (UFZ) Table for monitoring data in UFZ format.
Monitoring Data (Asterics) Table for monitoring data in Asterics format.
Note: This tool is not perfect! You should double check your results!

Monitoring Data (UFZ)

Name1, Name2 and Name3: Names of the samplings. A sampling can be identified by one name or, optionally, by a combination of maximal three names (e.g. Germany-Leipzig-2014).
Recovery: Presence of recovery areas. A recovery area is defined as uncontaminated stream section (e.g. forest, meadow) of more than ~100 m length and within ~3 kilometers upstream of the sampling site . Coding: 1 = presence; 0 = absence.
ToxicUnits: Measured exposure to pesticides. The toxicity of pesticide exposure is standardized to the acute 48h-LC50 of D. magna.
Taxa: Family, genus or species name of the sampled macroinvertebrates.
Abundance: Abundance of macroinvertebrates. Unit has to be defined uniformly.


Paste the monitoring data in the respective table and use the buttons beow to convert data.

Monitoring Data (Asterics)

monitoringdata asterics/comment:"Select and copy rows of this table.
Key: Taxa used in your monitoring dataset.
Taxa: Taxa used in your monitoring dataset.
S1 ... S50: Abundances for each site and taxa.